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How Online Reviews Can Boost Hotel Bookings

This season is a change for everyone, but especially for those industries that revolve around travel. If there was ever a time to be vigilant about managing company reviews, this is the season. At BlueJay Reviews, we realize that this may be a slow season for you, so what better way to help ramp it up than to utilize all of those great reviews you have received through our service? Here are a few ways you can use reviews to increase hotel bookings even when the season may have slowed down a bit.

They Can Improve Your Quality of Service

Improved service can easily help you boost your bookings - and reviews can help with just that. When you receive unfavorable reviews, it can feel like a slap in the face, but you can still take that content and turn it around to make your facility even better. There’s always the possibility that someone’s negative review is reflective of a one-time situation that won’t be reduplicated, but they could also shed some light on a vulnerability in the company. Analyze negative reviews honestly and practically, and if they are valid, allow them to improve your company and make it easier to be an even better and more hospitable company. Better service equals more bookings, they go hand in hand!

Reviews Can Increase Your SEO Rankings

This shouldn’t be a surprise, as most everything online can benefit your SEO if you are using it effectively. There is no time like the present to make sure that your SEO is working for you and that you are doing everything you can to make it efficient. Reviews play a role, a very important role, so even if you aren’t getting a lot of new reviews during this season, you can still be utilizing the reviews that you have to help remind everyone why they want to choose you.

This means that you want to use the reviews on your social media and your website regularly. Highlight them in a highlight reel on your website. Share a testimonial every week to let people know that they can trust you with their business. Make videos to feature on social media where you talk about the testimonial and some of your services, or better yet, collect reviews from the customers themselves to really help solidify the creditability. If you are a customer with BlueJay Reviews, you should have a nice collection of reviews to choose from, and even a short dry spell like the world is experiencing right now can’t keep you from sharing what everyone loves about your hotel.

Interesting Review Statistics for the Hotel Industry

85% agree that a thoughtful response to a review will improve their impression of the hotel
96% consider reviews important when researching a hotel
79% will read between six and 12 reviews before making a purchase decision
88% of travelers filter out hotels with an average star rating below three

What If You Don’t Have Many Reviews?

If you don’t have very many reviews for your hotel, BlueJay Reviews is here to help. You can visit our website to learn more about our service, but in short, we help automate the review process so that you don’t have to spend hours requesting reviews, or worrying that reviews get lost in the cracks. Easily review and respond to all incoming feedback from your clients with our easy program. Ready to see it for yourself? You can visit our website ( to see a Demo as well as request a free trial. We look forward to helping you take your hotel to the next level with high-quality reviews!
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